Michele Byrne

Michele Byrne: Palette Knife Painting


Video Length: 5 Hours 48 Minutes
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Friends and family try to be kind. They'll say things like "nice color" or offer other empty compliments for your paintings because they don't want to hurt your feelings.

But have you ever had a friend walk into your house and say, "Who did this painting?" - and then see them in disbelief when you say it was you?

I had that happen to me recently, and I have to admit it felt pretty darned good when they said, "You did this? Really? Wow, your work sure has improved."

What is really special is that everything changed in one week . One week of intense study and commitment to a particular style made a huge difference, a huge leap in my quality, and a huge change in how I was painting.

Imagine showing your friends one of your own paintings and then being asked who the artist is.

It would feel pretty good when you tell them it's your own work, right?

The reality is that a small amount of time with a great instructor can make a big difference. In fact, watching one master artist on a video, painting along, and then practicing that technique over and over again for just a week can make a monumental change in your painting ability.

What if you could learn to paint in a new way that would make people leap up and take notice like never before?

What if you did not have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars traveling to a workshop or paying for one-to-one coaching, but still got the benefits for a fraction of the investment?

What are we talking about?

Learning how to paint with a palette knife.

See, one of the most impressive skills you can master as an artist is painting with a knife...

Not many can do it.

Even fewer can do it well.

It's tricky.

In fact, it's almost a separate art form in itself.

Which is why those people who can do it well are able to create paintings that look far better than the average painter's. 

Three Reasons Palette Knife Painting Is Awesome

You might be wondering:

"Why should I bother learning palette knife painting? Especially if I've never painted with a palatte knife or used a palette knife for anything but mixing."

It's a question we hear often.

So here are three reasons that learning it might just be one of the most rewarding things you ever do .

Reason #1: It's one of the fastest ways to take your art to the "next level."

If you're looking to "level up" as an artist, then using a palette knife to do all or part of your paintings is one of the best ways to do so.

I mean, there aren't too many people who even attempt it.

And most who do give it a go don't know how to do it correctly.

So when you CAN do it, you're going to stun yourself with just how great your paintings look.

Reason #2: It's FUN and gives you freedom.

Why did you take up painting in the first place?

Because it's fun.

And being able to "bring a painting to life" with a palette knife is one of the most enjoyable things you can do as a painter.

Reason #3: The energy in palette knife paintings tends to make them appeal to collectors.

So few people do palette knife paintings well that there are very few on the market. Therefore, when done well, they stand out and have great appeal to viewers and potential buyers.

Reason #4: When you know how to do it properly, you can finish a painting fast!

What if we told you it's possible to finish a complete palette knife painting in under two hours (and still keep it high in quality)…

Even if it's your first EVER attempt?

You'd be amazed.

And probably a little skeptical.

But get this:

It's our job to give you the very best art education possible. Which is why we ask only the greatest artists in the world to come into our studios to record their secrets.

And that's exactly what we've done here, because: 

We've Persuaded One of the Great Palette Knife Painters to Give You Step-by-Step Training so You Can "Wow" Your Viewers 

Not only is this person a fantastic teacher of palette knife painting…

She's also a world-class painter herself.

Who is it?

Michele Byrne

And before we tell you about the incredible training she's put on for you, here's a bit more about Michele:

After learning to paint as a child, Michele's gone on to become one of the most respected knife painters in the world.

In fact, you'd have to stick around for the entire day just to hear about all the awards she's won.


Michele's also written a book called The Art of Conversation…plus two other books and one other video on painting.

She's featured in prestigious art magazines such as PleinAir Magazine and Southwest Art.

And she also has paintings in both the Bennington Museum and the Mennello Museum of American Art in Orlando, Florida.

Michele came into our studios for several days so we could record her palette knife techniques from start to finish.

The best part?

She walks you-step by step-through the precise process she uses to paint a masterpiece.

And what blew our minds was just how easy Michele has made this entire process for you. Heck, we'd even go as far as saying we've never seen anyone teach palette knife painting as well as Michele does.

Which is great news for you.

See, when you finish this video, you will know how to easilypaint a piece using a palette knife … even though it's something most painters struggle with.

And it shouldn't surprise you when your "art friends" ask you to teach them this skill after they see your work. 
Or when more people want to buy your paintings!

It's called… 
Palette Knife Painting with Michele Byrne

You get a 2-disc DVD version of the 4.5 hour training delivered straight to your home…

...or instant access to an online version so you don't have to wait around to get started.

Why is it a 2-disc DVD?

Because you also get an exclusive interview with Michele to go along with the training video! Plus, there is so much content it would not fit on a single DVD.

Here's a quick taste of what you'll discover in this in-depth training: 

  • How to use the "flipping" technique to draw attention to the focal point of your painting
  • Why Michele keeps a certain tool in her backpack all the time 
  • An easy way to make any people you paint "pop" from the canvas 
  • What to do the day after you finish painting (in fact, doing this could be the difference between a "good" painting … and an almost flawless one) 
  • What to do if you've always wanted to include people in your paintings but you're too afraid you won't get it right 
  • The perfect color to bring any flowers you paint to life 
  • A "foolproof" way of making sure nothing in your painting jumps out for the wrong reasons (anyone can do this, yet most don't)
  • Michele explains why certain aspects of her paintings sometimes look "forced" (but don't worry, she also tells you what she does to make the magic happen) 
  • How Michele likes to paint shadows
  • The nine specific, most important colors Michele uses on her palette
  • Why letting the paint "take control" can make certain aspects of your work look more interesting
  • How to improve your brush paintings with a palette knife 
  • A fascinating way to make "light" whites
  • A fascinating way to make "warm" whites 
  • A HUGE mistake a lot of artists make when drawing a person's head
  • How to get your painting looking more unified 
  • Michele's powerful advice on how to make "people look like people" (Hint: It's to do with body language)
  • What Michele accidentally learned on a trip to Paris that helped her become a better painter
  • A "silly little thing" Michele does toward the end of her painting that makes it look even better than before (YOUR skills as a painter will improve right away if you also pay this much attention to detail)
  • One thing you have to be careful of when using a palette knife (even though palette knives can be a massive help, you must watch out for this) 
  • Plus a whole bunch more, including:

    Michele typically starts a painting of people … the surprising effect leaving some blank canvas showing has on the outcome of your work … and even a "ninja" way of making people appear in your paintings WITHOUT actually painting them.

    *The instruction in this video can be applied to water-soluble oil, traditional oil, and even acrylic paints.



    • Palette Knife Painting Demonstration
    • An Interview with Michele Byrne
    • An Exhibition of Works by Michele Byrne
    • Palette Knife Painting - High Speed View
    • Featurette 1 - Figures In Painting
    • Featurette 2 - How I Use the Palette Knife
    • Featurette 3 - The Paint I Use


    Customer Reviews

    Based on 17 reviews
    Patricia J Gibson
    Very good

    I was surprised that the underpainting was put on with a brush. But then when she started applying the top coat with the knife I was mesmerized.

    Pamela Gavette
    Michele Byrne - Palette Knife painting

    Wonderful - I am now trying to use a palette knife and incorporate people within my artwork and this has been a great help. Michele has a wonderful personality and encourages individuals to get out and paint plein air.

    Palette knife,!

    The video was very interesting slow to get to the painting with the palette knifes not enough info

    Palette knife,!

    The video was very interesting slow to get to the painting with the palette knifes do not enough info

    Vivian Dunbar
    Palette Knife Painting by Michele Byrne

    I thoroughly enjoyed the DVD. She explained her process and I loved that she showed us how she fixed mistakes.