After the painting by Jules Bastien-Lepage. This painting is one that I have wanted to paint ever since I first saw it in Scotland in 1990. I have been researching the work of Jules Bastien-LePage for many years following my first viewing of his work, and have found him to be one of the most influential artists of the 19th Century.
His untimely death at 35 years of age undoubtedly contributed to the omission of his name from most modern texts, except as a footnoot acknowledging his influence on other, well-known artists. The sheer numbers of 19th century artists who give credit to him as the single major influence on their work was the clue to his importance.
He was the first young artist of international stature to pioneer the plein-aire, impressionist movement (later credited to others). One of the first to work outdoors, on-location, he represents a period of transition from academic painting techniques to alla-prima methods. His work employs elements of both, and succeeds in using them together in the same painting to create works of art that are both mysterious and universal, all at the same time.
My research into his life, methods, subject matter and techniques are all incorporated into this Masterpiece Project Lesson, making it the most informative and extensive work I have written to date. Unlike other reference books that focus on the history of an artist, my books take you step by step through the artists' actual painting process.
The information contained on this CD, when viewed or printed, is an exact reproduction of the original, printed version. The user has complete control of the viewing process and may choose to print any or all of the included documentation, as desired. Printing images in color requires the user to have a color printer.
The CD contains the following information for viewing and/or printing:
76 pages of instructions
Study the methods of the Old Masters with Johnnie Liliedahl.
Learn the Bistre underpainting and alla prima overpainting techniques, and how to create the porcelain flesh colors achieved by the great Victorian artist Jules Bastien-LePage.
More about the project from the original printed version:
SIZE: 20" x 30"
TECHNIQUE: Tonal Wash, Tonal Underpainting, Opaque Overpainting, Glazing and Scumbling.
CONTENTS: 76 Written Pages, 10 Full Color Pages with 14 Color Images, 2 Value/Color Placement Diagrams, Cartoon Line Drawing.