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Want to sell more paintings, more quickly, and earn what your art is really worth?
You love creating your art, and you're probably very good at it. But when it comes to marketing and selling your artwork, that may be a different story. It would be a lot easier if sales just happened, but most successful artists — most well-known artists — have mastered the art of marketing their work. Few artists become known by accident; most make things happen through a very specific marketing plan.
Sound difficult? It's not.
If your goal is to sell more artwork, increase your visibility, and have more people desiring to own your art, Eric Rhoads' Art Marketing Boot Camp will provide you with a step-by-step guide.
Art publisher B. Eric Rhoads has helped thousands of artists through his art marketing blog, and his readers have been asking him for years to write a book or do a video. In response, Rhoads decided to conduct the first Art Marketing Boot Camp at his company's 1st Annual Plein Air Convention. If you were lucky enough to attend the early-morning sessions at the Plein Air Convention, you heard it live. If you missed the convention or a session, you can now own the DVD and learn how to be a better marketer and double your art sales in the next year. You can learn at your own pace, at home, and pause and replay to your heart's content! Plus, even if you were at the Boot Camp, there wasn't enough time to cover all the material, so Rhoads went into the studio to record the missing components.
You'll learn the tips and tricks to build your brand, increase your prices, make more paintings sell, and create collector desire to own your work. When Rhoads teaches this program privately, he charges $2,500 to attend.
Three sessions cover these important marketing elements:
This Video Includes:
... And much more
Eric Rhoads has built and marketed businesses and consumer products for over three decades. He shares the principles to achieve success and guarantees that if you spend the appropriate time, you'll double your art sales in each of the next five years, and you'll achieve your goals and live the life you've dreamed about. If you've been repeating the same mistakes and not getting the progress you desire, this DVD will help you see what you can change to make a significant difference in your career and your life.
Note: If you attended the Art Marketing Boot Camp live at the Plein Air Convention, you know we covered a great deal of material in a short time. You probably couldn't take notes fast enough, and when you return to your notes, you may not remember everything that was said. This video allows you to see it all again to remind you of the hundreds of concepts discussed. Plus, we've added material we didn't have time to cover during the live sessions.
Order today, and double your sales within one year — or sooner.
Please Note: the material covered in the Art Marketing Boot Camp series is meant to be consumed in a sequence starting with Art Marketing Boot Camp (followed by Art Marketing Boot Camp II, etc.). While the trainings are technically independent of each other, each video explores new information and builds upon concepts covered in earlier Art Marketing Bootcamp videos. For this reason, we recommend that all art marketers start their training with this video you're viewing right now, Art Marketing Boot Camp.