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Pastel Portraiture
William A. Schneider, a brilliant artist who is well-versed in several mediums takes you through a pastel portrait step-by-step.
Adding pastels as an additional layer of interest and passion to his art career has made Bill’s work even more popular among many types and all skill levels of artists.
Pastel Painting Secrets has been a top-seller since its release several years ago. Right now, you can add this action-packed video to your personal resource library for a special price.
We’re bringing this video course out of the vault and into the spotlight for those who may not have known about it previously.
Here’s just a glimpse of what you’ll experience in Pastel Painting Secrets:
When Bill sets out to create a portrait, his goal is to capture the essence of the model as a unique human being, going well beyond a mere rendering or “lookalike.” He aims to create an emotional response in viewers, allowing them the freedom to see the model as they really are — unique, beautiful, and without perfectly symmetrical features. He makes them real — just as we all are.
Bring this kind of depth and meaning into your own artwork.
Pastels the EASY way
In “Pastel FUNdamentals”, Brenda Boylan shows you the secrets she has learned over her career that make the difference in how a landscape turns out. She shows you the right way to hold the pastels, how and when to vary the pressure for effect, and more, like…
Whether or not you’ve ever used pastels, you’re going to catch on very quickly and bring a whole new variety of techniques to your paintings.