Nikolai Blokhin

Nikolai Blokhin: Russian Master Portraits


Video Length: 5 Hours
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 Highlights of Nikolai Blokin in Russian Master Portraits

  • Master Russian Impressionism with one of Russia’s master artists
  • 19th-century art techniques from the "Russian Golden Age”
  • See Blokhin’s amazing art studio (there’s a cat!)
  • Never-before-seen oil painting methods
  • Effective techniques for posing a model
  • Unique “finger painting” techniques
  • Bringing out the features in your painting
  • Developing the face and figure like a sculptor
  • See how Blokhin manipulates his brush
  • Go beyond the brush to create amazing effects
  • The secret to using thick paints
  • How to turn gooey tendrils of color into textile
  • Palette knife and scrape techniques
  • Creating unexpected effects with skillful brushwork
  • An interview with the artist conducted by Eric Rhoads
  • Plus much, much more!


    Explore how artist Nikolai Blokhin brings the timeless Russian style to his artwork. His techniques have never been documented before but now, for the first time, you can study with this Russian master artist by way of this video.

    All throughout, Nikolai shares the 19th-century art techniques of Russian Impressionism that have been handed down through the generations.

    The Birth of Russian Impressionism...

    When the Empress Catherine the Great ruled Russia, from 1762 to 1796, the country went through amajor change. During her reign, she revitalized Russia; it grew larger and stronger, and was recognized as one of the great powers of Europe.

    Today, that period is widely considered the Golden Age of Russia.

    One of the Empress’ goals was to fill her homeland with beauty the world had never seen before. She desired to make cities like Saint Petersburg so beautiful that Paris would look bland in comparison.

    So she came up with a genius idea…

    She imported Paris’ best sculptors, painters, and architects to design her city and train her craftsmen. During this time, the Imperial Academy of Arts opened in order to train young Russians to achieve her vision.

    The prestigious Imperial Academy stands today as one of the largest art schools worldwide — complete with a significant museum of paintings, sculpture, and plaster casts. 

    The Academy has developed a reputation as one of the finest art schools in the world, training artists who became world-renowned, like Ilya Repin, Ivan Shishkin, Vladimir Makovsky, and many others. These artists were responsible for what has become known today as the “Russian Style.”

    Today, the Academy, now known as the Saint Petersburg Institute for Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, has stayed true to the vision of its founding in 1789!

    The Institute’s goal is to train and prepare artists to reach their highest level of mastery, and only thefinest artists get to become professors there. 

    To be accepted as a student into the Institute is not easy. Out ofhundreds of applicants, only 20 to 30 students are accepted each year. 

    These are the best of the best, and most of these students start drawing at age 7! Then they spend the rest of their lives refining their craft under the guidance of some of the Institute’s top instructors.

    Today, you have the rare opportunity to study with one such artist — Nikolai Blokhin. Nikolai rarely teaches in person anymore, which is why we feel truly honored that he accepted our invitation to produce a video that will forever showcase his incredible talent.

    Chapter Outline

    • Introduction
    • Setting the Model and Palette
    • Placing the Figure
    • Block In the Painting
    • Bring Out the Features
    • Develop the Face & Figure
    • Work on the Face
    • Work All Over
    • Finish the Painting
    • Make Final Adjustments

    Also included:

    • Interview with the artist conducted by Eric Rhoads 
    • High-Speed View of demonstration painting
    • Exhibit of Works


    Customer Reviews

    Based on 9 reviews
    Helena Godnez
    Nikolai Blokhin: Russian Master Portraits

    Amazing experience to watch all the process of Nikolai Blokhin. Ive been a fan of Blokhins work for years and never thought I would have access to see him pai...

    Carla Ciordoni-Stovall

    Superb! I have never experienced a more stimulating portrait demonstration other than one other American portrait painter. Only in-the last several years has my deeper attention turned towards the works of Rembrandt in my transition of primarily pastels to oil. This opportunity that Publisher, Eric Rhoads has given to myself, as well as so many other artists, i can not thank enough let alone express my sincere and humble graditude!!!!
    This "covid" season has allowed me to learn and MUCH more than discovering 'Self-Permission' ... with my art!!!
    I hope and pray that I can be given the opportunity to tell him personally. (I am sure I am NOT alone).
    God Bless. Carla Ciordoni-Stovall, Springfield, MO. (P.S. I have followed you on FB, Instagram, YouTube with no pro-vail of a lonely hacker...the days we live Thank you so so much once again!

    Efim Anghel

    I've been waiting for this video for months! I couldn't wait to get it and once it received it and watched it, it was well worth the wait and made 2020 a lot better! I love the technique and it has inspired and helped me with my own art work. I would have liked a little more of commentary as he worked but it was still amazing. I actually took art classes in St. Petersburg years ago. I really hope to travel back there after this craziness is over and go visit Blokhins art gallery.
    If more videos of Blokhin are released I will be getting them as well! Keep up the amazing work!

    Liliya Muglia
    Master at work

    Absolutely fascinating brush work, paint application, approach to values, shapes and edges through use of different tools.
    Though it is not for a beginner but you can see a solid foundation upon which painter is building the image of the person that results from a superb drawing skills.
    This video is my most comeback and watch again in terms of process and technical tricks that I try to employ in my painting. Actually after finishing Academy of Realist Art I realized how important for me is continuing education in terms of diversification of my craft and constant improvement.
    Nikolai Blochin is one of my most favourite of all living masters that I wish I had an opportunity to study with. I'm so grateful to be able to watch his process of painting, how he is editing the reality playing suggestive details without insulting viewers intelligence and bringing a viewer into a play.
    And the final result is painting of a sitter's soul as a most timeless statement that was produced in 5 days of making this portrait.
    Brilliant work! True mastery

    Anita Pistor
    Incredible technique!

    I really enjoyed watching Nickolai Blokhin in action and really treasure the daily videos from Streamline Art Video. Thank you Eric Rhoads for your generosity.