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Discover Johanne Mangi’s COMPLETE Process To Adding Life, Expression, and Personality to Your Dog Portraits
Painting a convincing dog portrait isn’t easy … but it can be.
You’ve probably encountered at least one (if not all) of these common problems artists face when painting dogs:
Painting dogs is not as easy as slapping on a few paints.
They deserve closer study, especially if you want to capture your pet’s unique personality properly on canvas.
Thankfully, there’s a way to paint your beautiful canine and capture their best features that you love so much.
In fact, even if you’re completely new to painting dogs, the right guidance could quickly speed up your understanding.
And don’t forget: Painting dog portraits can be an extremely lucrative skill.
Many dog owners would love to have a portrait of their beloved pet, but few artists can pull it off well.
The master artist responsible for the success the artists below have experienced is the legendary Johanne Mangi – renowned for being one of the world’s top dog portrait painters.
is simply a must-have if you want to paint dogs successfully.
Inside, Johanne will reveal her entire process in great detail as she demonstrates the painting you see above.
What can you expect inside?
We couldn’t have said it better than this amazing review by fellow artist Leslie:
“What really moved me about Johanne’s dog portrait DVD is her ability to teach simply; simply not because her painting method is an easy 1-2-3 connect the dots, but simply because her approach is very easy to understand as she explains things very well.
“She arms you with her knowledge and holds nothing back. Using a minimal palette, she creates depth to her painting. Perhaps the most important lesson is understanding your values. Color will not hold up in a painting unless the values are correct, and she stresses this valuable point throughout the video.
“Johanne emphasizes not feeling married to your painting at any given stage. Remaining mentally flexible, and the ability to accept a roundabout route, change directions at any given time, and move forward is key. As she states, it is only paint, forgiving by nature, and easily manipulated.
“In closing, what I enjoy most from Johanne’s video is that she comes across naturally, feeling comfortable in her own skin as if she were speaking only to the person in front of her. I highly recommend this video.”
– Leslie
Here’s a small taste of what you’ll discover inside The Fine Art of Painting Dog Portraits:
Who is Johanne Mangi?
Johanne Mangi with her gorgeous model, Sam the Wonder Dog!
Dogs have always been an important part of Johanne’s life.
She’s well known for having dogs at her workshops, which, according to her, “is an extremely important element for keeping the paintings fresh and alive.”
She’s not just saying that…
Her skilled brushwork makes her canine portraits “pop” with life, character, and expression.
She has an amazing ability to capture the soul of the animal and place it onto the canvas, a skill that can turn your dog portrait into a treasured heirloom.
If you have the chance to watch her paint, you’ll agree that she has a great understanding of how a dog feels and moves.
She has a keen eye for capturing elements of the dog most artists miss, which is why Johanne is such an incredible teacher.
Her art education has been self-directed … working and studying with Kathy Anderson, Scott Burdick, Michelle Dunaway, Daniel J. Keys, Christine Lafuente, Sue Lyon, and Colley Whisson of Australia.
In addition, she has hosted workshops with brilliant artists such as David Shevlino, Charlie Hunter, and Stanley Bielen.
She has also studied extensively with Sherrie McGraw (drawing and painting) and considers her a prized mentor.
Today, she’s a valued juried member of the Salmagundi Club NYC, Oil Painters of America, and American Impressionist Society, as well as the Portrait Society of America.
Johanne teaches throughout the U.S., currently including Village Arts of Putney, Scottsdale Artists’ School in Arizona, Whidbey Island Fine Art Studio in Washington, Madeline Island School of Art in Wisconsin, and Creative Arts Center in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
The lucky few who have attended Johanne’s workshops all agree that she’s an absolutely phenomenal instructor.