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In this video, you’ll discover:
John Singer Sargent … the great master painter of timeless portraits and elegant figures. His paintings have inspired and influenced artists for over a century. But due to limited documentation, artists have been trying for decades to understand Sargent’s techniques.
Wouldn’t it be great to understand Sargent’s methods to help you become a better painter?
Artist Thomas Jefferson Kitts has been on a lifelong quest to understand how Sargent painted. Was Sargent slow and deliberate, or fast and reckless? After intense study, Kitts believes he’s found the answers artists have been searching for. We asked him to capture these techniques on video for all to discover.
Through this video, you can immerse yourself in an in-depth exploration of Sargent’s working methods. Follow along as Thomas Jefferson Kitts paints a full start-to-finish demonstration of an original painting, Up in the Old Apple Tree. Through his painting, in the style of Sargent, you’ll get a glimpse of how the master may have painted two figures in authentic period costumes.
Thomas is exactly the modern master to bring Sargent’s brilliant insight to your work. In this video, he shows you why Sargent was Sargent.
Discover Sargent’s Flair
Generations have been inspired by the beautiful paintings Sargent created with so much flair and style. Artists all over the world see his work as the standard for painting beautiful portraits. In this video, you will learn compositional tips, how Sargent painted edges, and when to use texture and when not to. You’ll experience the mastery of Sargent’s brushstrokes. See how a modern, award-winning master painter like Thomas applies Sargent’s principles to enhance his own work — something you too can achieve.
Thomas Jefferson Kitts Teaches John Singer Sargent Techniques
There’s no better artist than Thomas Jefferson Kitts to introduce you to the world of John Singer Sargent. Thomas is a renowned artist who teaches frequently, travels extensively, and maintains a distinguished exhibition history throughout the U.S. His work is showcased in numerous art publications, museums, and major exhibitions, as well as residing in many private collections throughout North America.
Thomas has also been featured in several issues of PleinAir magazine and named an Artist to Watch by The Informed Collector. He is a multiple-time Raymar Art and PleinAir Salon Finalist. Thomas has been a guest lecturer at three Plein Air Convention & Expo (PACE) events.