Thomas Jefferson Kitts

Thomas Jefferson Kitts: Sorolla: Painting the Color of Light


Video Length: 15 Hours 22 Minutes
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With this exclusive video training, you will learn:

  • The working methods and incredible techniques of Sorolla (Claude Monet even called him "the master of light")
  • The way he actually applied the paint to produce such a stunning end result
  • How Sorolla conveyed the intensity of light in his paintings
  • The value of working at a fast pace so you're not even thinking while you paint


Joaquín Sorolla is one of the most respected painters ever to have lived.

The way he mastered the color of light is something other artists dream about...

...yet can never quite pull off.

Though one person who has mastered it is Thomas Jefferson Kitts — a modern master in the color of light.

That is why we are beyond delighted to make this announcement:

We managed to persuade Kitts to come to our studios to film what will surely go down as one of the great art trainings of all time captured on camera.

In this release from Streamline Art Video, Kitts shows you how to paint like Sorolla.

It's like breathing life into a painting when you master the use of color in light.

And now YOU have the opportunity to learn how to do it from one of the greatest living painters.

Sorolla: Painting the Color of Light with Thomas Jefferson Kitts is now available on DVD and streaming video.

You'll be delighted to know it's one of our most in-depth trainings ever.


About the Artist:Thomas Jefferson Kitts

Thomas is inspired by how light plays across his subject and has devoted his life to capturing it in oil. He prefers to work from life for its honesty and immediacy, incorporating many alla prima techniques developed by master artists such as Sargent, Sorolla, and Zorn.



  • Demonstration Session 1
  • Introduction & Terms Defined
  • Basic Materials & Concepts
  • Color Mixing & Theory
  • About the Painting Surface
  • Laying In
  • Look for the Concave & Convex
  • Block In Large Shapes
  • Integrate the Figure
  • Adjust & Refine
  • Transition Into Thicker Paint
  • Demonstration Session 2
  • Evaluate & Adjust
  • Develop the Face
  • Work On Smaller Shapes
  • Develop the Landscape
  • Exaggerate the Background
  • Begin To Finesse
  • Further Define the Face
  • Develop Light & Dark Contrasts
  • Adjust & Relationships
  • Demonstration Session 3
  • Work On the Figure
  • Rule of the Twos
  • Adjust To Correct the Eye
  • Make Adjustments to the Face
  • Refine
  • Final Touches
  • Interview with Thomas Jefferson Kitts
  • High Speed ViewTM
  • Inspirational Gallery


Customer Reviews

Based on 22 reviews
Vickie Cosson
One of the best

I love this video. It's great - very in-depth, multi-level, extremely thoughtfully taught, easy to follow and very clear instruction for all levels especially intermediate and beautiful advanced concepts.
Wonderful teacher. Very enjoyable along with so educational. I am really grateful for the length and pace, too. Thank you!

Sorolla, just what I was waiting for!

Arrived in Canada in perfect condition; enclosed was a handy catalogue and discount coupon. So glad I got the DVDs.
I watched the first Sorolla disc (3 discs!) right away and learned so much. Great video quality, lighting, camera work too. Be sure to watch the "inspirational" section, containing photos of Thomas Kitts painting in different locations/countries.

Judy Palermo
Great in-depth multi-level teaching, where you can begin to realize how your individual style can...

I purchased this video, full of concepts and direct instruction. You need to watch this in segments, not just because of the length, but because there is so much to absorb! For me an early insight was Thomas' observation that the 'rainbow is everywhere'- the light spectrum is present in all masses. So when you are e.g. turning a form from one color to another, you can choose the in-between color you desire, either from direct observation or personal aesthetics, to successfully build the form. To me this was the first inkling of how to develop a personal painting style, and vision! Very eye-opening, and I am using that knowledge now to make painting decisions with more confidence. If you want clear insights for achieving glowing, vibrating color and luminosity(!) this video is perfect.

Paul Anzaldi
Tons of tips

Thomas Kitts is an amazing instructor. He goes through the entire process he takes from composition to the final strikes. I have his Sorolla dvd and can't stop watching it. I've leaned more in about 5hrs than I could have in any class. I love his teaching style and how he speaks about the compositional changes he makes on the fly and why he made that decision. If you want to improve not only your painting skills but gain the thought process which is often missing you want to watch any of his instructional vids especially this one

Davi D'Agostino
Excellent instruction, great demo, but loooonger than necessary

Sorolla is one of my all time faves and Kitts is great at sharing all his knowledge and techniques, right down to his palette, organization, etc. The only negative is that it lagged quite a bit in spots. This particularly for folks who paint a great deal. Glad I bought the DVDs. I think it could have been done in 2 DVDs, but still glad I purchased the set!