Joshua LaRock

Joshua LaRock: Classical Portraits


Video Length: 16 Hours
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Included in this video course:

  • The ONE thing that will be a game-changer in your paintings
  • There WILL be problems (here’s how to overcome them!)
  • Become a super-sleuth (how good investigative skills lead to better paintings!)
  • The benefits of painting in layers (you’ll be convinced!)
  • Create amazing effects (you’ll wish you had known this years ago!)
  • Discover a newfound sense of clarity (this is sure to help you paint better!)
  • The trouble (and solutions!) with flesh tones
  • Get THIS right and your painting will be off to a good start
  • Easily progress past hurdles and confidently move forward
  • Translate the illusion of dimension (Josh shows you how)
  • Stop competing with reality … without losing your own touch
  • Things are not always as you see them (understand this and your paintings will improve!)
  • How tricking your mind will yield big results!
  • Learn the language of value, hue, and chroma (you’ll be your own translator!)
  • Glazing and scumbling — all the details!
  • Create subtle changes through palette management (this is pure gold!)
  • Achieve more accurate drawings by using this unconventional technique (it’s all here!)
  • Help your eyes develop a healthy distrust of what they see!
  • … And so much more!


Within the first few minutes of watching this video, you’ll know you’ve made the right decision by studying with Joshua LaRock.

He has the ability to constructively lead you to a much better understanding of what it takes to create a painting that has depth and meaning … a painting that will draw viewers in and allow them to see the emotion you intended. You’ll quickly see that Josh’s skill at making subtle adjustments throughout a painting will lead you to getting your own paintings right where you want them.

Throughout this video, Josh presents multiple problem-solving tools and ideas you can apply in your own artwork. For example, you’ll appreciate the importance of his layering techniques, which give you the opportunity to adjust your painting as it progresses. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much everything changes and begins to “glow” as you add layers.

Joshua LaRock is internationally recognized as a preeminent figurative artist. His exquisite paintings are an ode to the past, filtered through a contemporary life. His portraits and narrative pieces are memorable both for their emotive quality and for evoking an eerily present feeling. 

Josh spent over a decade trying to learn and discover these techniques, and had something like this been available to him when he started, chances are it would have sped up his learning curve and made him reach this stage of painting much sooner. 

You don’t have to go through all that … simply order Classical Portraits with Joshua LaRock and you’ll be learning from one of the best artists today. 


Customer Reviews

Based on 63 reviews
Extensive and Informative!

I bought this video in February of 2022. When I first bought it I was not experienced enough to absorb all the information. I am watching it again and it is so much more meaningful now that I the experience of painting portraits. I am so glad I still have this in my library! There is so much important material and instruction. I highly recommend this video if you are wanting to learn about portraiture.

Marc Zepeda
classical portraits

Thorough presentation, start to finish, all the steps and preparations helped remind me how I need to return to do portraits with foundational steps...great video. I recommend it to all, Josh was careful, methodical and clear in his teaching. I could understand and follow all the way through.

Joshua LaRock: Classical Portraits

This is a Complete tutorial, Joshua bears his soul here (his complete process start to finish)Amazing.

Debra Foss
Joshua LaRock: Classical Portraits

This is a Complete tutorial, Joshua bears his soul here (his complete process start to finish)Amazing.

Mustafa Mahmoud
Seven stars

I saw Josh's art in 2011 when I was a student, I was amazed and wished I could know how he paints ! Years later I knew he is giving workshops but it was difficult for me to travel to attend, and now I am so happy I am learning IN DETAILS all his process in every little step at the ease of my home .
Plus, he was an instructor at the prestigious GCA (which I love), so it is amazing to get the knowledge I've always wished to get.