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Join Charles Harrington in Acrylic Landscapes, the Watercolor Way and learn how to capitalize on the unique advantages of acrylics including the ability to layer opaque, translucent and transparent effects.
See how he combines the subtle color shifts and luminosity of watercolor with the durability of acrylics. In the video workshop, Charles draws on the best features of both acrylic and watercolor in his acrylic landscape painting workshop. He achieves the subtle color shifts and luminous transparency of watercolor while attaining the durability of acrylic.
He also introduces tools and techniques perfected over years as an architect. At home in the Ozarks, Charles introduces his portable Plein air kit and paints a study that will serve as his reference in the studio. Back indoors, Charles works in the watercolorist's style. He uses light preliminary washes and thin layers of pigment, allowing him to vary colors at every stage. Charles modifies his larger painting from his original Plein air reference to achieve stronger design and value balance.
Charles Harrington also harnesses acrylics unique ability to layer opaque, translucent and transparent passages harmoniously. He mixes sparingly on his palette and heavily on the paper to create complicated blends and avoid flat, dull grays. He uses a spray bottle, splattering and active brushwork to break up large shapes and create lifelike texture.
Discover an alternative to watercolor and capitalize on the unique advantages of acrylics with Charles Harrington in Acrylic Landscapes, the Watercolor Way.