Johnnie Liliedahl

Johnnie Liliedahl: Alexandra



Study the methods of the Old Masters with Johnnie Liliedahl. Learn the Bistre underpainting techniques, color glazes and scumbles, and how to create porcelain flesh tones.

The one (1) project contained on this CD, when viewed or printed, is an exact reproduction of the original, printed version. The user has complete control of the viewing process and may choose to print any or all of the included documentation, as desired. 

The CD contains the following information for viewing and/or printing the project:
  • 30 pages of instructions
  • 37 Full-Color images of the painting in progress; Color Swatch Reference Guides (displayed in color on user's computer monitor for easy reference.
  • Line Drawings included for the user to print and enlarge to the painting size of their choice.

Projects included are those shown on the CD Front and Back covers shown above.